International Certification

ICert Workshops and Program Trainings

Explore NAAB’s training and professional development resources designed to support current ICert and applicant programs in enhancing educational quality, promoting continuous improvement, preparing for the international certification process, and compliance with the current Conditions and Procedures for NAAB International Certification.

Upcoming Trainings

ICert Workshop

The Benefit of ICert for Graduates Seeking Licensure in the United States

Are the upcoming graduates in your ICert program interested in becoming licensed architects in the United States? Join us on September 16, 2024, at 9:00 - 10:00am EDT for a workshop where we will review the processes, requirements, and benefits of the EESA program conducted by NAAB. This webinar is for Program Administrators only.

NAAB ICert Office Hours

ICert Office Hours are held every second Wednesday of the month from 9:00 - 10:00am EDT. Office Hours is an open forum to engage with NAAB staff and peers to discuss questions, ideas, and innovations in your programs. To join us, please click on the registration links below. You will need to register for each session you would like to attend.