
NAAB Announces Change to Interim Reporting Process


In an effort to support NAAB-accredited programs in their transition to the 2020 Conditions and Procedures, the NAAB Board of Directors, by their decision on July 17, 2020, streamlined the interim reporting process required by the 2012 and 2015 Procedures for Accreditation. The new reporting requirements change the Two-Year Interim Progress Report (IPR) in favor of a Three-Year IPR, effective September 1, 2020. There is no change for Five-Year IPRs due November 2020. Effective January 1, 2021, the Five-Year IPR submissions will remain on the current schedule, but programs that satisfied all deficiencies in their Two-Year or Three-Year IPR will not be required to submit a Five-Year IPR. Programs that are required to submit a Five-Year IPR will need to demonstrate that deficiencies have been corrected and how the corrections align with the 2020 Conditions and Procedures.

The new reporting process is modeled after the 2020 Conditions and Procedures ‘Plan to Correct’ and will facilitate a smoother transition to the new set of Conditions and Procedures. New Three-Year and Five-Year IPR templates will be developed for use in 2021; programs with Five-Year IPRs due November 30, 2020 will continue to use the current Five-Year IPR template. All programs will receive a direct communication about this change, and the impacts it may have on their interim reporting process. Questions or comments? Contact our Accreditation Team!